+44 7857 046869


Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Suffering from a specific health condition? Our Therapeutic massage can reduce and in some cases alleviate your symptoms. We have worked with patients with fibromyalgia, sciatica and CFS with fantastic results.

If you are an athlete, or a keen gym enthusiast our Theraputic massage can help you get back to your best as we work on your tension areas as well as providing practical advice on how to manage any aches, pains or injuries.

Oncology Massage

Massage for those living with cancer is similar to normal relaxation massage but takes particular account of the possible side effects of treatment – for instance, chemotherapy – as well as site specific issues (such as areas affected by radiotherepay). Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment are stressful experiences and massage, as a touch therapy, can be a great aid in promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. It promotes more restful sleep – helping energy levels and adding to quality of life. At a more “mechanical” level, it also increases circulation and lymphatic drainage and can sometimes help reduce oedema and lymphoedema, although there are more specialist forms of therapy which specifically address these issues.
